Copper Board

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Volume 7 Issue 11

Visit us on the web:      November 2006    

125 Years of Masonry in Globe/Miami


HAPPY Birthday 

William L. Sneyd - Belated

Henry Johnson

Ira Long

Oscar T. Lyon Jr.

Douglas Skowron

William K. Watkins

William R. Williamson

      Masonic  Birthdays

Charles Brewton( 61)         

Timothy Conrad(18)

William Garrard

Robert Johnson(57)

Benjamin McGowen(55)

Victor G. Owen(60)

Donald K. Shelton(46)

Raymond S. Teichrow(9)

John A. Trojanovich(42)

November Schedule


9am – Coffee & Donuts

0am – Lodge & Election of Officers

12:00 pm- lunch with Star


December Schedule


9am – Coffee & Donuts

10am – Lodge

12pm - Lunch with Star

1pm - Installation of Officers

.                        2006 Officers

Worshipful Master Douglas Skowron, KYCH(480-986-2296)

Senior Warden     R. Scott Teichrow (928-425-8293)

Junior Warden      William Garrard, PM (602-866-8204)

Secretary            Joe A. Henry PM (928-425-6686)

Treasurer            Oscar T. Lyon Jr., PGM  (602-252-2739)

Senior Deacon   William “Bill” Greenen KYCH

Junior Deacon    James Heimer

Chaplain            Paul J. Dore’, PM

Marshall            Ralph Gerhardt, PM

Senior Steward  Howard Billingsley, PM

Junior Steward   Robert Gillette, PM

Tyler                 Henry Johnson


Henry London, PM,        2010   R Scott Teichrow,          2007   

Paul Dore' Sr. PM,         2009   Robert Gillette, PM        2006

Howard Billingsley, PM, 2008



Public Schools - Bro. Jim Heimer

Widows - W. Rusty Moore

Kids Voting - W. Rusty Moore

Education - W. Howard Billingsley

By-Laws - MW Oscar Lyon Jr.

Membership - WM. Doug Skowron

Community Events - W. Paul Dore' Sr.


Meeting Calendar 2006/2007

        Nov                 Dec             Jan                   Feb

   2 - OES #8   7 - OES #8    4 - OES #8    1- OES #8

 11- WM # 3    9 - WM #3    10 - WM #3    10 - WM #3


Bikes for Books

Still taking donations for Bikes. We have all the 26" bikes donated and a couple of 20" bikes.

Fifty Years Ago

White Mountain Lodge #3

November 1956

The sublime degree of Master Mason was conferred on brothers Hubert Hines and Lowell Bassett.  50 year pins were presented to Per Alexander Faust and Noel Burton Pond.

Doric Lodge #26

November 1956

Robert Lloyd Gillette was initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason

Something to Think About



     "I have been a Master Mason for a year now." remarked the Young Brother to the Old Past Master.  "While I find a great deal in Masonry to enjoy and like the fellows and all that, I am more or less in the dark as to what good Masonry really is in the world.  I don't mean I can't appreciate its charity or its fellowship, but it seems to me that I don't get much out of it.  I can't really see why it has any function outside of the relationship we enjoy in the Lodge and the charitable acts we do."    

 "I think I could win an argument about you," smiled the Past Master. "You say you have been a Master Mason for a year.  I think I could prove to the satisfaction of a jury of your peers, who would not need to be Master Masons, that while you are  Lodge member in good standing, you are not a Master Mason."     "I don't think I quite understand" puzzled the Young Mason.  "I was quite surely initiated, passed, and raised.  I have my certificate and my dues card.  I attend Lodge regularly.  I do what work I am assigned.  If that isn't being a Master Mason, what is?"    

"You have the body but not the spirit," retorted the Old Past Master, "You eat the husks and disregard the kernel.  You know the ritual and fail to understand its meaning.  You carry the documents, but for you they attest but an empty form.  You do not understand the first underlying principle which makes Masonry the great force she is.  And yet, in spite of it, you enjoy her blessing, which is one of her miracles.  A man may love and profit by what he does not comprehend."    

"I just don't understand you at all, I am sure I am a good Mason."    

 "No man is a good Mason who thinks the Fraternity has no function beyond pleasant association in the Lodge and charity. There are thousands of Masons who seldom see the inside of a Lodge and, therefore, miss the fellowship.  there are thousands who never need or support her charity and so never come in contact with any of its many features.  Yet they may take freely and largely from the treasure house which is Masonry.  Masonry, my young friend, is an opportunity.  It gives a man a chance to do and to be, among the world of men, something he otherwise could not attain.  No man kneels at the altar of Masonry and rises again the same man. At the altar something is taken from him, never to return, his feelings of living for himself alone.  Be he ever so selfish, ever so self centered, ever so much an individualist, at the altar he leaves behind him some of the dross of his purely profane make-up.     No man kneels at the altar of Masonry and rises the same man because, in the place where the dross and selfish were, is put a little of the most Divine spark which men may see.  Where was the self-interest is put an interest in others.  Where was the egotism is put love for one's fellow man. You say that the 'Fraternity has no function."  Man, the Fraternity performs the greatest function of any institution at work among men in that it provides a common meeting ground where all of us, be our creed, our social position, our wealth, our ides, our station in life what they may, may meet and understand one another. What caused the Civil War?  Failure of one people to understand another and an inequality of men which this country could not endure.  What caused the Great War?  Class hatred.  What is the greatest leveler of class in the world?  Masonry.  Where is the only place in which a capitalist and laborer, socialist and democrat, fundamentalist and modernist, Jew and Gentile, sophisticated and simple alike meet and forget their difference?  In a Masonic Lodge, through the influence of Masonry. Masonry, which opens her portals to men because they seek the brotherhood only she can give.  Masonry has no function?  Why, Son, the function of charity, great as it is, is the least of the things Masonry does.  The fellowship in the Lodge, beautiful as it is, is at best no much more than one can get in any good club, association, or organization.  The great fundamental beauty of Masonry is all her own.  She, and only she, stretches a kindly and loving hand around the world, uniting millions in a bond too strong for jealousy and fear.  The worst of men have used the strongest of means and have but pushed Masonry to one side for the moment, not all their efforts have broken her, or ever will.     Masonry gives us all a chance to do and to be, to do a little, however humble the part, in making the world better, to be a little larger, a little fuller in our lives, a little nearer to the G.A.O.T.U.  And unless a man understands this, believes it, takes it to his heart, and lives it in his daily life, and strives to show it forth to others in his every act - unless he lives and loves and labor in his Masonry.  I say he is no Master Mason, aye, though he belong to all Rites and carry all cards, though he be hung as a Christmas tree with jewels and pins, though he be an officer in all Bodies.  But the man who has it in his heart and sees in Masonry the chance to be in reality what he was sworn he would be - a brother to his fellow Masons - is a Master Mason though he be raise but tonight, belongs to no body but his Blue Lodge, and be too poor to buy and wear a single pin."    

 The Young Brother, looking down, unfastened the emblem from his coat lapel and handed it to the Old Past Master.  "Of course you are right,"  he said, lowly, "Here is my pin.  Don't give it back to me until you think I am worthy to wear it."    

The Old Past Master smiled.  "I think you better put it back on now," he answered gently.  "None are more fit to wear the Square and Compasses than those who know themselves unworthy for they are those who strive to be real Masons."



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