Copper Board

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Volume 8 Issue 5

Visit us on the web:      May 2007    

126 Years of Masonry in Globe/Miami


HAPPY Birthday 


Gilbert Bradley 

David Garnett

David Johnson 

Victor Owen

Ronald Scalph

Scott Teichrow



Masonic  Birthdays



Gilbert Bradley(61)        David Rabb(62)

Paul Dore'(42)                Ronald Scalph(41)

Floyd Harrington(17)       Robert Taylor(55)

Myron Henderson(37)     Mitchell Vuksanovic

                          Oscar Lyon Jr(56)


Public Service Awards April 14th

2007 Community Service recognition Recipients


Globe Police Department          Employee --BETH McCREARY

Miami Police Department          Officer-- KIRBY SCHNEIDER

Department of Public Safety      Officer-- ADRIANNE SCHMIDLIN

Gila County Sheriff Office         Sgt. – MIKE FANE

Department of Corrections        Officer--LEONARD CHASE

May Schedule


9am – Coffee & Donuts

10am – Lodge

12pm -

Lunch with Star


June Schedule


9am – Coffee & Donuts

10am – Lodge

12pm -Lunch with Star


.                        2007 Officers

Worshipful Master R. Scott Teichrow (928-425-8293)

Senior Warden     William Garrard, PM (602-866-8204)

Junior Warden      Robert Gillette, PM

Secretary            Joe A. Henry PM (928-425-6686)

Treasurer            Oscar T. Lyon Jr., PGM  (602-252-2739)

Senior Deacon    Earl Warner

Junior Deacon     Brad Busler, PM

Chaplain             Paul Dore' Sr, PM

Marshall             Ralph A. Gerhardt. PM

Senior Steward   Howard Billingsley, PM

Junior Steward    Art Salcido Jr.

Tyler                  Henry Johnson


Robert Gillette, PM        2011

Henry London, PM,        2010  

Paul Dore' Sr. PM,         2009  

Howard Billingsley, PM, 2008

R Scott Teichrow,          2007   



Public Schools - Bro. Jim Heimer

Widows - W. Rusty Moore

Kids Voting - W. Rusty Moore

Education - W. Howard Billingsley

By-Laws - MW Oscar Lyon Jr.

Membership - WB. Doug Skowron

Community Events - W. Paul Dore' Sr.


Meeting Calendar 2007

    May             June           July                 Aug             Sep            Oct

   3- OES #8   7- OES #8    5- OES #8     2- OES #8    6 - OES #8     4 - OES #8    

 12- WM #3    9- WM #3    14- WM #3    11- WM #3     8 - WM #3     13 - WM #3   


OES #8 Luncheon

May 12th 12:00pm


Sacred Geometry
Language of Creation
By Jonathan Quintin

Everything in the universe is energy and in a continual state of transformation.
The roots of plants transform mineral into vegetable;
leaves transform sunlight into live tissue;
liquid is transformed into gas;
light into heat;
heat to propulsion.

There is no end - only change.

Sacred geometry is a blueprint of creation. It graphically describes the self-organizing processes of nature. It gives evidence of an inherent order that pervades the universe. In certain respects it may be contemplated as a mathematical representation of the Mindset of the Creator. Sacred geometry is based on pure mathematical principles. It is beyond religion and doctrine, yet many of its principles have been adopted by different religions in their architecture and art. Through the centuries, architects around the world have used the same geometric principles to build their temples, monuments, cathedrals and other sacred structures, intended as symbolic models of the universe and the self. The art of Islamic mosaics, the Eastern and Western mandalas, the basket weaving patterns of the Pacific Islands... all describe various processes of creation, expressing them according to the cultural influences involved.

We live in a mathematically ordered world. All actions on the physical plane obey distinct mathematical laws. All existence exteriorizes itself through harmonic economy. From the dance of atoms to spiraling galaxies, every type of growth and motion is governed by the same set of laws. Sacred geometry describes these laws through a language of number, angle, shape, form and ratio (relationship) . It is a universal language of pure mathematical truths based upon the inner workings of nature and the inherent qualities of the circle and sphere.

Sacred geometry shows how primordial forces are transformed to cosmological order. It measures the harmonic vibrations that sustain life on all levels. Sacred geometry shows the quality of relatedness between unique and individual differences, and demonstrates how diverse elements can be organized into a whole, while still preserving their individuality.

Sacred geometry integrates the physical, tangible aspects of creation with the spiritual essence behind them. It is an interface between the seen and the unseen, the manifest and the unmanifest, the finite and the infinite, the mundane and the profound. Sacred geometry has played an integral role in the art, architecture and philosophy of numerous cultures for thousands of years. In the Pythagorean system, as well as other systems, geometric symbolism was held to account for all known states of being.

The ancient Greeks had a geometric/harmonic view of universal order. They saw the world as a vast array of diverse elements, unified and blended into a cosmos through the essence of harmony. Sacred geometry was used as a valuable tool of self-discovery in the ancient mystery schools. The goal of many of the arcane schools was to help lead the mind back towards a sense of Oneness.

It is through the experience of the Oneness of all things that Individual Consciousness can harmonize with Universal Consciousness. Before birth, we resided on the spiritual plane of existence. During the transition to the material plane we assumed a physical form. We cannot return to the spiritual plane as long as we have a body, because the resistance of matter prevents it. However, through the spiritualization of matter we can reach an awakened state of spiritual awareness.

The spiritualization of matter occurs when we experience the divine presence in every aspect of creation, but most particularly within ourselves. To achieve this, look within. We are an embodiment of sacred geometry. We unite within ourselves the diversities of heaven and earth. We are spirit and matter combined. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

We are a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm. The structure of the human body is based upon the same set of principles that are found functioning on all levels of creation. Our body contains within it holographically all the information of the universe.

An aspect of this can be seen in a geometric principle known as the golden ratio, or the phi ratio (?). This is a universal principle that can be found on all levels of existence.