Copper Board

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Volume 10 Issue 6

Visit us on the web:      June 2009

 HAPPY Birthdays  

Robert D. Armstrong

William Garrard
Robert L. Gillette
Joe A. Henry
Charles K. Luthy

Happy Masonic Birthdays

Eric Ecklund(4)

James A. Hosteller(59)

Jack W. Martyn(48)

Cleo M Medlock(51)

Merle E. Palmer(44)

Frank D. Sheppard(45)

William L. Sneyd(26)

 Masonic Deaths

Brother David W. Johnson

Born 5/29/1934

Raised: 10/19/63

Passed: 5/22/2009

To all Americans who have given the supreme sacrifice for our Country.

June Schedule


9am – Coffee & Donuts

10am – Lodge

10:30 1st Degree

12pm – Lunch @ Guayos on the Trail

July Schedule


9am – Coffee & Donuts

10am – Lodge

12pm –

Possible Degree work-TBD


My Brothers,

This has been a month of gains and losses. It is my sad duty to report that our Chaplain, W Bro. Dave Johnson ascended to the Celestial Lodge on Friday, May 22nd. Our prayers go out to his family and friends. We will miss him greatly, but rejoice in the fact that he is now with the G.A.O.U. I am certain that he is looking down on us all with a huge smile.

I want to welcome Brother Ray Snyder back among our ranks. Brother Ray received his E.A. degree in our lodge some years ago and is now back with us to continue his progress through the F.C. and Master Mason degrees. I am also proud to announce that, at our last stated meeting, you unanimously accepted the petition of Mr. Timothy Humphrey to receive the degrees with us. We are looking forward to putting Brothers Ray Snyder, Josh Beason and Levi Shafer through the 2nd, or Fellow Craft degrees in the very near future. White Mountain is certain alive and growing. We need even more good, young men from this community to join with us in becoming better men.

By the time you receive this Trestleboard, the 127th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of F & AM in Arizona will be convened by MW Bro. Donn Bernhardt. This year’s Grand Communication is to be held at the Chaparral Inn Suites on Friday and Saturday, June 5-6. As of this writing, all 3 of your pedestal officers (WM, SW and JW) plan to attend. Our Secretary and Treasurer have also indicated that they will be in attendance. As has been the practice for years, all Master Masons in Arizona are invited to attend, without having to pay the registration fee at the door. I encourage all of you to attend at least one of the days, if not both to participate in this momentous occasion.

I remind you that WE are the Grand Lodge, all who are MM’s in Arizona. The Grand Line officers are those among our brethren who we elect or are appointed by our elected Grand Master to lead the Grand Lodge. If there is something we want to change or to become a part of in the Grand Lodge, it is up to each one of us to actively participate in these functions. There are many items that will be voted on at this year’s Grand Communication. Some are minor “housekeeping” items, but there are many that may have a profound effect on our Craft. All Past Masters and current pedestal officers will have one vote apiece. I urge all to look well to our ballots and to vote for the good of the Craft.

The summer season will soon be upon us. Many will be traveling over the upcoming months, but I remind you that your Lodge will remain “open” all summer long. We will still have our stated meetings the second Saturday of each month at 10 AM. I would like to see you all there.

Take care and may God bless you all.

Bill Garrard

WM, White Mtn. #3



I want to remind all about our upcoming Entered Apprentice Degree on Saturday immediately following a short business meeting. This lodge is pleased to bring in another young man into Masonry and our lodge. Come down and see the good work your officers perform. Bro Ed Warner will be seating in the East. If you haven't been to a degree in a while, please come.

Bill Greenen, JW

2009 Officers

Worshipful Master William Garrard, KYCH (602-866-8204)

Senior Warden     Earl Warner (928-425-7715)

Junior Warden      Bill Greenen, KYCH (480-510-4241)

Secretary            Paul Dore' Sr, KYCH (602-920-0456)

Treasurer            Scott Teichrow, PM (928-425-8293)

Senior Deacon    Howard Billingsley, PM (928-472-9354)

Junior Deacon    Art Salcido Jr.(928-402-8242)

Chaplain             Dave Johnson, PM (928-425-7900)

Marshall             Joe Henry, PM(928-425-6686)

Senior Steward   Dell Long 520-297-7656

Junior Steward   Fred Marquardt   602-575-4946)

Tyler                  Hank Johnson(928-425-2295) (602-265-4152)


Howard Billingsley, PM,  2013

Earl Warner                   2012   

Robert Gillette, PM        2011

Harold Benjamin, PM,    2010  

Paul Dore' Sr. PM,         2009  

Sickness and Distress

Frank Sheppard


O.E.S. #8 Luncheon

June 13th


Guayos on the Trail


Public Schools - Ed Warner 

Widows - Ed Warner

Education - W. Howard Billingsley

By-Laws - MW Oscar Lyon Jr.

Membership - WB. Doug Skowron

Community Events - Art Salcido

Meeting Calendar 2009


2 - OES #8

13 -WM#3


6 - OES #8

11- WM #3


3 - OES #8

8 -WM #3


6 - OES #8

12 -WM #3


3- OES #8

8 - WM #3


1 - OES #8

2 - WM #3

50 Years Ago

White Mountain Lodge June 1959

PGM Gerald Craig presented a 50 year pin of gold to brothers Harold Plummer, Anderson Webb and James Malott.

Doric Lodge July 1959

Something to Think About

Three, five, and seven
3 5 7
Number 147 - May 20, 2009

"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow."
Anthony J. D'Angelo

This publication, while it is printed with the permission of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of A.F. & A. M. of Minnesota, contains the
writings and opinions of Ed Halpaus and is not in any way the opinion of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota.

Masonic education and mentoring: Learning for the pure enjoyment of it!
Leave a Legacy

Mentoring a Brother is one of the acts of Brotherly Love we as Masons are in a position to offer, and by so doing we can help our Lodge andFreemasonry in general.

Mentoring is extremely important, and it is something that is done fraternity-wide by many masons. Mentors don't need to be only those who are officially appointed. In the strictest sense, masons who mentor their brethren are masonic educators; just as all masons are, in the strictest sense, masonic students.

When you think of it every mason is interested in masonic education to one degree or another, and every mason has the ability to be a
mentor to another mason. Mentoring is a great way to help a brother attain the hopes he had when he petitioned the lodge for the degrees of Masonry. Masons love learning about freemasonry. Masonic study and research is pure joy for those of us who are engaged in this lifelong pursuit of learning.

A masonic mentor can mentor more than one mason at a time, but even if he mentors only one at a time there is no telling how many masons his mentoring will influence through his student as the years go by. Through one young mason his efforts can influence the mentoring of dozens of new masons over the years because, there is no telling how many masons the one you mentor today will mentor over his masonic career.

Mentoring is important; it helps with member satisfaction. Nothing can replace one-on-one mentoring, which is the developing friendship of one brother helping another learn about Freemasonry.

The mason, who is a mentor, or a lodge education officer, should understand and never underestimate the importance of his role to his
lodge, grand lodge, and to the craft in general. He should know that his efforts will impact his lodge and those he mentors, and that the lasting effects could very well continue long after he has gone to the celestial lodge above.

Countless masons have benefited from one-on-one mentoring from a dear friend and brother; just the thought of this brother will bring a
smile to the face of the mason he mentored so many years ago. Countless masons have also benefited from the mentoring of masonic
educators through their delivery of masonic information over the years. Mentors and educators teach us what we need to know to enjoy
our journey into freemasonry, and our life as a freemason.

Those who have led and encouraged us to pursue the study of freemasonry have given us a great gift; a gift of immense enjoyment,
which is available to every Mason: This gift is one we can enjoy anytime we have time to engage in study, and it lasts a lifetime.

I mention this to you because, to help - and thus see our fraternity grow, to see our fellows enjoy masonry to its fullest, is one of the
great legacies we can leave behind for our individual lodges and grand lodges. I mention mentoring and education because we who are
involved in this great love of learning about freemasonry have a duty, an obligation, to pass on what we have learned to others who
either are or might become an active masonic student, and who will also carry forward the tradition through mentoring and teaching in
the future.

Masons who become great family men, bosses, employees, leaders, relatives, friends, and fraternity brothers, find ways to pass on to
others what they have learned and found interesting. Many advertisements we see in various places echo what we all know to be
true; they tell us to be mentors, to teach others.

January of each year is National Mentoring Month here in the U.S., but a lodge, grand lodge, or even a brother, could designate any
month or even a year to mentoring. The master of a lodge could say this is the year of the mentor for his lodge. An individual mason
could make a resolution that he will mentor one mason a year for the next so many years. Many new masons are not assigned mentors - all it takes is to ask a new brother if he has a mentor to talk with. Mentoring, like the beginning of a friendship, does not need to be a formal arrangement.

We all know about tithing, why not tithe our talents to help our brethren learn more about freemasonry. Who was it who dedicated some of his time to mentor each of us, who are now established masons? Was it one mason or was it more than one who helped each of us become interested in studying freemasonry? We can carry on the tradition; we can each help lead another into this fascinating part of masonic life. As my good friend and brother R.W. Brother Tom Hendrickson
says; "Freemasonry Is a Way of Life! And it is a great life.

Words to live by: "Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." Chinese Proverb

"That's what learning is. You suddenly understand something you understood all your life, but in a new way." Doris Lessing

From the Great Light of Masonry: "Learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead
the case of the widow."
Isaiah 1:17 (NIV)